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In the Rainbow Welcome Terrace, visitors can learn the lay of the land and what they may experience during seasonal Educational Programs. Glass cobbles in the colors of the rainbow are embedded in an artistic stone seat wall, which features the richness and diversity of local Ohio geology.

Rainbow Garden A garden full of seasonal and colorful annual plants marks out the colors and shapes of the rainbow. Many of the youngest visitors will be learning their colors - what better way than to use blooms to relay this lesson!
Rainbow Welcome Terrace Misting Boulders Kids will flock to the Misting Boulders, where the sun catches the water droplets just right to create magical rainbows midair. The boulders themselves are hewn and finished by a local artisan to best show off their colors and texture.
Rainbow Welcome Terrace Flower Kaleidoscope An alternative version of a kaleidoscope, this “teleidoscope” transforms changing floral displays beneath its viewing tube into colorful, abstract repeating mosaics.